
Token Information

Token NameRYNUS
Token Ticker$RNS
Token TypeUtility, Governance
Total Supply1,000,000,000

Note: The above information regarding Blockchain and Token is provisional. We will notify you of any changes.

Token Distribution

Token Utility

Rynus utilizes the Burn Mint Equilibrium model to maintain stable pricing for services on the platform. This model enables Requesters to predict job costs and Workers to forecast revenues.

Rynus’s Dual Token Model: RNS and rUSD.

$RNS is Rynus’s Native Token which serves multiple purposes:

  • Governance: RNS holders can vote on the platform’s decisions to reshape future development.
  • Payment: Convert $RNS to rUSD on the platform with zero fees.
  • Incentives: Workers will receive RNS as rewards based on their performances.
  • Staking: Stake RNS to earn additional rewards.

$rUSD is Rynus’s Native Stablecoin.

  • $rUSD is the only token permitted to purchase services on Rynus Network.
  • The price of rUSD is fixed in USD. rUSD is non-tradable and non-transferable.

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